What time is it now?Let's roll my lifetake a picture of my dreamtime to know your inside

I + you = we(sound of heater)adult (neither) child I wonder how much time i have left (glasses of Giancarlo)(5 skiroute) (6 skiroute) 7 swimroute Laugh and warm up

In my territory
fotografia polaroid 8.8x10.7cm
lastra metacrilata 10x12cm
incisa e dipinta con colore acrilico

Ayumi Kudo created her new art works by superimposing some drawings made on acrylic sheets to Polaroid snapshots. In this way, Ayumi tries to let dialogue her sign with the instant camera, two different levels of different aesthetics. Her poetic inspiration is based on a prosaic image along a vis ludica that makes fun of reality and ennobles itself. “Exploring the technique of polaroid photographs I tried to connect the reality of my territory with imagination and my dreams.